Saturday, November 10, 2007


Canyoneering Mexico

Mexico is known for its beautiful white beaches, clear blue oceans, and ancient ruins, but what about further north? It's all desert and desolate right? Not in the beautiful sub-tropical limestone mountains around the city of Monterrey. The richest, and most americanized city in Mexico is surrounded by some impressive tree covered mountains that house some of the best scenery and rock in the world. There are incredible limestone caves found throughout, 2000+ foot multipitch climbs on excellent quality limestone, and amazing water filled canyons including one of the most geologically impressive canyons in the world, Matacanes, named for a shower head like formation found in both of the canyons two caves.

I've put together a video of my recent trip, we did five canyons, only four of them are included in the video. The video is almost twenty minutes long so if you are only going to watch part, then fast forward to the last nine minutes, this will show off Mexico's showcase canyon. The video makes it look fun, but the canyon MUST be experienced to be believed, it's like an amusement park water ride on steroids!

Mexico Canyoning 2007 from Eric Godfrey on Vimeo.

If you are going to plan a trip to see Matacanes it is unlawful to go without a certified guide. Not all guides are good, the one's we went with were excellent and all ACA (American Canyoneering Association) certified, which goes above and beyond the governments certification. You can visit our guides website by clicking here.

Below are some pictures from Hydrophobia, the canyon not in the video. It was probably second to Matacanes, so I wish I had the video camera, but I was just so tired of lugging the thing around, it was nice to do a canyon without worrying about it.

Hi Eric,

WOW! Great site... my GF and I are like you guys, but how do you find the time off and the people to go with? We even have a great airplane to get us to cool spots, but people just think we are crazy!

Im into old mines as well, but sometimes that gets too sketchy.

We are in ABQ and go to Mexico a lot. (did Cave of the Swallows there). Please email me if you'd like to chat and give us some advice.

Thanks, Bill

Hey Eric,
Nice site you have here. We were in Death Valley 2 weeks ago and met Jane, Steven and Meghan and they were talking about this trip. We are looking to go over Easter wknd and want to know who your guide was, the link is dead.. could you email me the info?

Your link to your guides site doesn't work anymore.

Do you think I could organize this as a last minute trip 2 weeks from now? If so, I need clues on how to do it.

Your link to your guides site doesn't work anymore.

Do you think I could organize this as a last minute trip 2 weeks from now? If so, I need clues on how to do it.

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