Tuesday, September 16, 2008


September Canyons

I'm back to hitting the canyons now that the summer monsoon season is over. Took a trip down south to do some hard-ish but very fun stuff. Finally took my new camera through a slot and although I had to crank up the ISO since it's dark down there and I didn't have a tripod, they turned out pretty nice, just a little grainy. Some pics are by Dave with his waterproof point and shoot or from my Cell Phone camera.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Pandora's Box

This post is a little late but I didn't get the pictures from Josh until a few weeks ago. We did a quick one day trip down to Pandora's Box in Capitol Reef last May. This was my third time in the canyon and it's one of my favorites. Temps were perfect for it and we all had a blast... well maybe not as much on that beast of a hike out, but the rest of the trip was a blast!


Lone Peak

I tried and tried to get people to climb Lone Peak with me but everyone always had a reason they couldn't go. Canyon season starts for me again the first of September and I wasn't going to miss Lone another year so I just headed up on a weekday by myself :( This is hands down my favorite mountain in the Wasatch, super fun and nothing in the Wasatch compares to the cirque right at the base of the peak!

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