Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Climbing at the PTC

Here are some photos of some hard climbing at the Poptire Cave. I wonder how many other caves like this are hiding in the desert waiting to be discovered.
From Climbing at the PTC
Holly looking out on the desert wasteland.
From Climbing at the PTC
Kevin on a 5.13a
From Climbing at the PTC
Lindsay on something with a crazy dino throw, looked rad.
From Climbing at the PTC
Looks really hard!
From Climbing at the PTC
Holly on Max's Route - 5.12a
From Climbing at the PTC
James Litz on something HARD.
From Climbing at the PTC
Erik high in the cave.
From Climbing at the PTC
Kevin, you're so close to the chains!
From Climbing at the PTC
It's not a Dino if you're tall, ha!
From Climbing at the PTC
Possibly my next project? Smoother, 5.12c
From Climbing at the PTC
From Climbing at the PTC
Litz getting upside down.
From Climbing at the PTC

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